From High School to Full Time artist: Meet Jess Hess!
What’s up, guys, Shiningbind here! Today we have an interview for you guys here for Shiningbind Band Talk, meet the talented Jess Hess. She is known as Kissnation on Instagram and known for her amazing drawings.
Shiningbind: First off, tell me a little about yourself
Jess: Well, the biggest things about me are that I’m a 19 year old full time artist and part time photographer. Something I don’t talk about too often on my profile is that I also have severe food allergies to eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish, aka 5 of the top 8 allergens. As a result one thing I do on the side of everything else is advocate for the food allergy community
Shiningbind: Interesting, now what artists inspired you to draw?
Jess: I’ve been drawing for my entire life, but didn’t start drawing musicians until late 2011, when I was first introduced to KISS. That was the band that completely turned my life upside down, and got me to where I am today all because I felt like drawing Paul Stanley one day.
Shiningbind: That’s really neat, to elaborate more on that, what is your favorite art style that you love to draw?
Jess: I’m a realistic artist at heart, and it’s basically all I know how to do!
Shiningbind: If you were to be a photographer for any big name band, what band would that be and why?
Jess: Well by default I’d say KISS since they’re my all time favorite, but since they’re on their last tour that probably isn’t happening anytime soon! But my second choice would be Tesla, my second favorite band.
Shiningbind: Now how old were you when you started drawing and taking photos?
Jess: I’ve been drawing basically my entire life, but photography didn’t come until later. I got my camera when I was 16, but didn’t get my first gig until I was 17, all thanks to my then art teacher.
Shiningbind: Who is your favorite rock star you like to draw?
Jess: I don’t really have one rockstar I like drawing most, but judging by how often I do, I think my top ones are Nikki Sixx, KISS, and Tesla.
Shiningbind: What was your favorite concert you shot photos for?
Jess: KIX is by far the best band to photograph. They’re extremely photogenic, not to mention goofy onstage. I tend to try to get the shots no one else does, and these guys are perfect for that.
Shiningbind: Onto the last question, where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Jess: It’s hard to picture exactly where I’ll be in the next few years, mainly since my life has taken so many twists and turns within the last few years. I went from hoping I’d be a full time photographer to suddenly being a full time artist. But if I were to picture a future, I’d hope my art career gets even more successful, and that I’d get some more photography gigs!
Well you heard it here, guys. Thank you for tuning in and goodnight!
